Safely Beating Blockades

I have had a tough couple of weeks.  Between working on health issues, and unbelievable snow, wind, and cold. I have not been able to work at my usual routine.  It gives me grievance with myself.

I have an entire office in my house, which is a backup for my office downtown. Yet, because I pay for my downtown office, I prefer to work there.  I can focus better on what I do and how I do it downtown.  I feel I get more done downtown.

Although COVID prevents me from most of the comradery that usually happens in an office setting, I believe there is an excellent synergy with the office complex.  That synergy and a hint or two from a neighbor office holder are often lifesavers of the day.

Being in this torn predicament of where I am and where I think I should be is frustrating, at the same time. Because I am going through this, I am now more aware of what others feel and the angst they face as they try to move forward.

What has COVID blocked in your professional life, and what ways have you been able to develop in getting around the blockades put in your path?  If you have not shared them, please use this forum to let others know your successes and shortfalls.  By sharing, everyone can benefit, and maybe we can forge a path forward.

Thank you for being with me today. I hope to be with you tomorrow.